Welcome to your Radiant Hope Pack Party. Included in this sign up are items we have found to be a great treat to those with a cancer diagnosis and/or their caregivers. We hope your box will give hope and joy to the recipient during their difficult season. We have also included monetary donations to help with the average $10 per box shipping cost.  If you choose to donate toward shipping, please sign up on this sheet and then either bring cash or check (Radiant Hope) to the pack party or go to www.hisradianthope.org and donate online. If you donate online, you will receive a letter to claim your tax deductible donation. Please indicate your donation is for Chris Rotz's pack party. in the notes section. We appreciate your gift to Radiant Hope, your items, your time, your prayers are all important to the process. Radiant Hope provides the box, a water bottle, a card sharing our mission, a ring of verses and a journal for you to include in the boxes. When you pack the box, please place the please place the gum, mints and ginger candy in the water bottle if it fits along with the ring of verses.  Tissue paper goes in first with items on top. Our mission card lies on top of the packed box so it is the first thing our receivers see! Our signature color is yellow, so we do like to get yellow items when possible, however, it is not required! Your group is packing 24 boxes.Thank You! It is fine to add a card in each box to let the recipient know that your group packed the box for them.