An icon to be displayed alongside the signup sheetCelticFest Mississippi Volunteer Crew 2024 

Sign Up Sheet created by CelticFest Mississippi

Help to set up banners, flags, signs, decorations etc. Select which Day of the Festival you want for your Free Entry
Help put away all Festival owned items from catering and the merchandise booth etc and load the trailer
We will have 11 Groups of up to 36 Kids & Adults. You will be assigned to one to help them move to each Demo area and keep them on schedule.
This position will count as Two Shifts so you will get Free Admission Friday Night and Saturday
MUST be able to use iPads and take money. Must be 18+ Training provided. Scanning Presold Tickets, answering questions. Will have Walkie Talkie.
MUST be able to use the iPads and take money. Must be 18+ Training Provided. Assist customers in purchasing items, keep booth clean.
MUST be 21+ and be able to use the iPads & take money. Training Provided. We have two separate Beer Trailers. One is the by the Main Stage and the other is by the Pub Stage
GATEKEEPER: Check for All Access badges for Catering entry. (You'll have a view of the Main Stage and be seated under a tent.)
BEER TENDER: 21+ will pour beer for Performers & VIPs inside the Catering Booth
CATERING: will keep food, snacks & drinks stocked and keep catering area clean
RUNNERS must be able to lift 20lb. Will have a Golf Cart & Walkie Talkie
FLOATERS will cover areas that need extra help and WILL NEED TO BE ABLE TO USE THE iPADS & TAKE MONEY
Help with our Scotch & Irish Whiskey Tastings, Mead Tasting and Afternoon Tea Experiences
Highland Games Helpers will assist as needed during the Athletic Competitions on Saturday and Sunday.
Directing traffic so that attendees park in straight rows and we get the maximum use out of the parking lot.