Event Tabling on Saturday, May 21 at William Howard Day Homes, 1300 Community Drive, Harrisburg, PA from 12 Noon to 3:00 p.m. Arrive at 11 am for setup. This is a free community and family event for the residents. We will setup our booth/table and will have activities that promote children eating fresh fruit and vegetables: kids coloring station, handout of fresh veggies to participants, handouts of informational flyers, bookmarks, possibly Farmer Andy masks, Eat Five-a-Day Cards, pencils, etc. IF we can find a young man who will pose as Farmer Andy (who is our mascot promoting fresh fruits and veggies to kids), he will make an appearance. Setup at 11 am and teardown at 3 pm Any questions, call Mike Macchioini at (717) 686-7503