DUE DATE: MAY 5, 2017

TO: Good Hope Family Parents and Guardians!

We are preparing for our end of the year (I know, already!) event for the teachers and staff of Good Hope Middle School in two separate TimeToSIgnUps.  This sign up sheet is for our door prize event that the teachers love!  We have a gift for each hour of the school day and we send an email to the winner.  This year we would like to make sure we recognize most of the teachers and staff and we need your help!  Could you please donate a small amount of cash or a gift card?  Please see below!  Thank you!  

DUE BY:  Donations are due by Friday, MAY 5, 2017.  Please send in the donations in an envelope marked: TEACHER END OF YEAR EVENT!

Thank you again!!!! 

WATCH for the next TimeToSignUp sheet for the food donation for our event!!  Thank you to everyone!  We couldn't do this without you!!!