Thank you, Walden, for supporting this wish list for children in foster care in Lake County served by the CASA organization! Your generosity is amazing. All gifts have been signed up for! THANK YOU! Please remember to turn them in by the end of the school day on December 8th or the address listed below by EOD Sunday, December 10. Contact Julie or Jenny with questions. 

Court Appointed Special Advocates is a national association in the United States that supports and promotes court-appointed advocates for abused or neglected children. For a number of years, the Walden community has helped support children in Lake County who are served by the CASA program, fulfilling all 215 gift requests in 2021 and 282 in 2022!! Help keep the streak alive and consider sponsoring a gift for these children this holiday season. Your support is greatly needed and appreciated!


Use the sign-up sheet below to select a gift and follow these instructions:

Feel free to contact Jenny Davis or Julie Seery should you have any questions:

Jenny Davis

Julie Seery




Thank you once again to the Walden community for helping to make the winter holidays brighter for so many children. Happy Holidays to all of our Walden families