Hi Parents,

We would like to throw a little Classroom Christmas Party this Wednesday December 20th before the kids leave for break. 

Any donations that you could provide would be greatly appreciated. We have 13 students in the class plus Ms. Dayette so we will need 14 of each item. 

The sign up includes:

cupcakes, cookies, and/or donuts. 

Chips, pretzels, and/or popcorn. 

Assortment of fruits and/vegetables and maybe dip.  

Bottles of Water and juice boxes.  

One or two games and a craft

Christmas Plates and napkins

Additionally if two or three parents wanted to come into the classroom to help and enjoy the party Ms. Dayette said you are more than welcome.  

As always we thank you in advance

Mrs. Slater, Mrs. Locklear & Mrs. Schuck