Hello 3A Parents,

We will be having  a Valentine's Day Party in our classroom on Wednesday 2.14.24.

The students will be exchanging Valentine's with their friends that afternoon so please have your child send in a Valentine for each student in the class that morning. 

They will be making bags with Ms. Dayette that morning for the exchange in the afternoon. 

We are in need of some supplies for the party that I was hoping you could help out with.  The items are as follows: sweet treat, juice boxes/waters, pretzels/goldfish, fruit, veggies, plates, napkins, plates etc.  Please see the sign up sheet for the full list.

Thanks in advance for all of your donations.  Our parties wouldn't be successful without you.

As a reminder we have 13 students in our class plus Ms. Dayette so please send in enough for 14 people. 

Thank You,

Mrs. Slater