As previously mentioned, you are required to participate in at least one of the SBP Consultation/Check-in Group this Summer quarter, even if you are no longer working in your school. Each group is only one day per quarter and will last 1 hour.

You can sign-up anytime from now until the last possible date to add the group (only if there is room). There are 8 spaces available for each group.


1. Choose the date and time that you will be able to attend

2. Select an open participant slot listed under that date and time you chose by clicking the box next to the words "sign up".

3. You will see a gray box that reads "Select your item(s), then click here to enter your name". Click on that box and fill out your name and information.

4. After filling in your name and information, click the box that reads, "Sign me up!"

If you have any questions, please contact