Type of Test: The test conducted will be a PCR saliva test. We estimate the entire process should take approximately 15 minutes per person.

Location: The testing will take place in Gym 2 in the sports center. Please enter the sports center at the Botsford entrance, on the north side of the building near the weight room (not through the cage room as per usual), unless you need access to the elevator. If you need to use the elevator, enter the building at the upper south side entrance with your swipe and take the elevator down. You will exit Gym 2 on the south side of the room to ensure a one-way flow of traffic.

What to Bring: Bring your Reed ID.

Important: Do not eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum for at least 30 minutes before your saliva test.

Results: Results are usually available within 24–48 hours of test collection. Users are able to view and print test results using the Predictive Labs online portal at https://client.predictivelabs.com. If you are a first-time user, click “Forgot Password” to register using your Reed email address. 

Questions: If you have any questions, please send an email to the COVID-19 Risk Assessment Group at coronavirusquestions@reed.edu.