Friends!! It appears to be spring! And with spring comes that delightful fruity burst of sunshine we like to call the strawberry.  What better way to show our appreciation for all that the teachers and staff at Glebe CI do for our kids and families than to fete them with a strawberry social! This year, it is happening on Tuesday June 12. Please follow the link to sign up to volunteer your time or to bring some yummy kind of strawberry magic! If you are able to offer items that are vegan and or gluten free, it will help to ensure that everyone gets to enjoy our treats!

If you have the time to volunteer the day of, it’s a great opportunity to connect with other parents and see what it feels like during a regular school day at Glebe.

If you are bringing in snacks, please bring them to the office by 9:30 am.  Please ensure that you label any dishes or utensils to ensure they get back to you!

Thanks in advance!!

Christy Griffin and Lisa Greaves