An icon to be displayed alongside the signup sheet2024 Daddy/Daughter Dance - Taylor Swift Theme 

Sign Up Sheet created by Homeroom Committee

Address will be provided prior, she lives 2 minutes from STA and we need volunteers who have large cars/SUVs to transport large balloon bags from her house to STA on Friday, April 12 @ 3:30PM for setup.
No experience necessary!! We will have everything ready to go when volunteers arrive for setup on Friday in the school lobby!
*Arrange tables in lobby
*Remove tables from gym
*Eras Decor

Include the time you are able to come!


Enter your own:

Setup food on tables in lobby (there will be signs of where everything goes), put out drinks, etc.
There will be a table already setup on the stage for the DJ. Requested songs list will be printed to provide DJ as well.
*make him aware of door prizes we will call out at some point during the night
Refill food/drinks, keep craft table organized, cleanup during the dance, assist with hand tattoo station, etc.
Cleanup Crew: Clean up gym, clean lobby, take down all decor, put tables away, extension cords leave on stage, etc.